Saturday, September 16, 2006

XXX - beer, footy and cars

Hayden is still not quite crawling. He is really good at it though! Going backwards and donuts are now a fine art.

The following photos are from the footy tipping count up at Roslyn Primary. Beer and footy must be an innate thing...

He didn't win the tipping, but he did pretty well for his first season. Final score was up over 100, and that was with half the season tipped in advance.

Hayden has decided that if he can't get places crawling, he will just learn to drive early. So far Granny has been happy to let him take over the wheel, but we'll see how long that lasts.

Next week he is off on his first plane trip - flying up to visit Auntie Trace.

1 comment:

Marshi said...

Man - i go away for 3 weeks and he is talking, crawling and driving :) Its time for a visit from Aunty M i think